India’s industrial growth surged to a six-month high of 5.2% in November, up from 3.7% in October, according to data released on January 10. This marks the third consecutive month of rising industrial output, reflecting a strong recovery bolstered by core sector performance.
The core sector output, a key indicator of industrial activity, expanded to a four-month high of 4.3% in November, up from 3.7% in the previous month. Four of the eight core industries showed improved performance, driving this growth.
Madan Sabnavis, Chief Economist at Bank of Baroda, noted that the IIP data exceeded expectations.
“There was a positive surprise on the economic front with IIP growth for November coming at 5.2% against our forecast of 4–4.5%,” Sabnavis said. “Quite clearly, the needle appears to have turned during the festival season, which is a good sign.”
The consistent improvement in industrial output underscores the resilience of India’s economy and sets a positive tone for the coming months.
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